

Training subscription with a trainer

Under the tutelage of our esteemed masters, immerse yourself in the disciplines of old. This path not only forges your skills but endows you with the honor and etiquette befitting a true practitioner of medieval martial arts.

– day pass: at £100, spend a day in dedicated learning, arms and armour provided.

– monthly membership: £1,500 grants thee a moon’s cycle of continuous training, ensuring thy progress is swift and solid.

– annual fellowship: £10,000 bestows upon thee a year under our wing, culminating in mastery and the right to stand amongst us in the arena.

Equipment rental subscription

For the adept with skill already in hand, we offer thee the armory’s keys. Practice thy art with our array of historic replicas, each crafted for safety and authenticity.

– day pass: £40 unlocks our arsenal for a day’s honing of thine own craft.

– monthly membership: £500 offers a month of unfettered access to weapons and protective gear.

– annual fellowship: £6,000 ensures thy readiness with year-round access to our equipment, a steadfast companion on thy journey.

The mark of valor: certification

Both paths lead to the same esteemed goal — certification. This seal of achievement not only signifies thy dedication and prowess but also opens the gates to our celebrated events. Here, amidst the clash of steel and the camaraderie of like-minded souls, thou canst test thy mettle.

Whether thou art stepping onto the path for the first time or continuing thy quest for perfection, ERA EPICURE LTD offers the guidance, the means, and the fellowship to support thy journey. Join us, and let the echoes of the past inspire thy steps towards the future.