
From the depths of history, a call to arms

- Rediscover the age of chivalry and steel

Welcome, brave seekers of honour and prowess!

In the verdant embrace of the countryside, far from the clamour of the modern world, lies a realm where the echoes of the past beckon the souls of the brave and the curious. This sanctuary, known as ERA EPICURE LTD, stands as a testament to the valor and chivalry of ages long past, offering a refuge for those who yearn to step through the mists of time and emerge on the fields of ancient glory.

We kindle the flames of bygone eras, inviting noble adventurers to grasp the essence of a medieval warrior. Under the watchful eyes of our seasoned masters, you will learn to wield the bow and arrow with grace, letting your shafts fly true to the heart of the target. The art of the sword, the heft of the shield, and the weight of the mace become your new languages, spoken fluently through the dance of combat.

Why choose us? Thy quest awaits

Authentic experience

Our commitment to historical accuracy ensures that every weapon, every technique, and every lesson is a faithful echo of medieval martial arts.

Expert guidance

Led by masters of their craft, each participant receives the training that melds ancient techniques with the safety and understanding afforded by modern knowledge.

Escape the modern

Located far from the distractions of city life, our retreat offers a genuine immersion into the medieval lifestyle, providing a rare opportunity to disconnect and delve into a world governed by nature and skill.

Community of warriors

Join a brotherhood of like-minded souls, where camaraderie is forged in the heat of shared endeavour, and friendships are tempered like steel in the fires of mutual respect and admiration.

We do not merely reminisce about the past; we awaken it. Every draw of the bowstring, every clash of arms resounds through the ages, a call to those who would remember the true meaning of strength, honour, and courage. We invite you to answer that call, to become part of a living history where the legacy of the warrior spirit endures.

Armor and Weapons


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